Pricing @ 01/07/2024
> Onsite Labour Time is charged at $127 per hour, irrespective of the day of the week.
> Travel Time to/from site is charged at $102.00 per hour.
> Travel Kilometres to/from site is charged at $0.80 per km.
> For overnight stays, we charge $255 to cover the cost of meals and accommodation.
Amortised Travel Costs
Travel costs are amortised per trip, per number of hours on site, per customer.
> For VIC services, we try to arrange a full week of work to minimise the travel cost
per customer.
> For NSW/SA services, we try to arrange two weeks of work to minimise the travel
cost per customer.
Hypothetical Example
* Total travel hours = 25 @ $102 = $2,550
* Total travel klms = 2,200 @ $0.80 = $1,760
* Total overnight stays = 11 @ $285 = $3,135
* Total Travel Cost = $7,445
* Total Job Hours worked on trip = 130
* Amortised cost = $57.27 per hour > this figure is shown as a separate line item
on our invoice and is additional to labour hours.
We feel this is the fairest system to retrieve travel costs, but please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to discuss further.